Offline Sales Upload

Offline sales can be uploaded to the cubed via account config section which will be processed on next day.

The CSV should contain following headers.

Field Description Required?
account_token Your account token of format c-a-client-name-country-name, eg: c-a-withcubed-uk YES
cubed_event Offline Sale usually YES
currency Currency of the sales revenue NO
customer_id customer id NO
event_date_time Date of sales in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YES
event_item_sku Sku of the item NO
ip ip address of user NO
page_url page you want to associate with sale, usually https://www.client-domain/offline-sales YES
referrer Usually named as Offline YES
revenue Revenue figure in number format NO
sync_id_1 sync id 1 such as email/order-id to sync the visit NO
sync_id_2 sync id 2 such as email/order-id to sync the visit NO
sync_id_3 sync id 2 such as email/order-id to sync the visit NO
transaction_id Transaction Id to identify the sales NO

Example CSV:

account_token cubed_event currency customer_id event_date_time event_item_sku ip page_url referrer revenue sync_id_1 sync_id_2 sync_id_3 transaction_id
c-a-example-uk Offline Sale GBP 1234XYZ 2025-01-01 00:00:00 Offline 102.09 ABCDEFGHIJKL1
c-a-example-uk Offline Sale GBP 2025-01-01 00:00:00 EFGHTREWTY Offline 39.26
c-a-example-uk Offline Sale GBP 2025-01-01 00:00:00 Offline ORDR-1
c-a-example-uk Offline Sale GBP 2025-01-01 00:00:00 Offline 189.91 ABC-1234 ABCDEFGHIJKL2