Tag Forward Parameters


The Cubed tag allows for what we call "forward params". As our tag looks at where a visitor has come from, we read the document.referer string not the landing page URL. However, sometimes query params are added to landing pages to help identify where a visitior originated from.
The tag comes with a handful of standard query params we look out for including utm_ and gclid.


You do not need to add these, they are already present in the tag being used.

Query Param Type Definition Channel
c_chan Cubed Internal Used internally by the Cubed system. All
gclid Google Adwords PPC Allows Cubed to join to external Adwords data. PPC
offer_id Google Shopping Allows Cubed to join to external Google Shopping data. Shopping
dclid Doubleclick Id Doubleclick have not yet made this available via their API. PPC
utm_source Google SEO Used internally by the Cubed system. SEO
utm_campaign Google SEO Used internally by the Cubed system. SEO
utm_medium Google SEO Used internally by the Cubed system. SEO
utm_content Google SEO Used internally by the Cubed system. SEO
adtype Generic Specify a Display/Impression ad type Display
wgu Webgains Used internally by the Cubed system. Affiliates
wgexpiry Webgains Used internally by the Cubed system. Affiliates
cid Adobe Analytics Campaign ID tracked by Adobe Analytics Affiliates

Custom Params

If you would like to add a custom Forward Parameter to look for, you can use the tag's built in function:

vscr.push(['addForwardParam', {value} ] );


Someone lands on your site with the landing page URL being:


We want to make sure we are correctly identifying this visit as an Email. In the Cubed platform you would the Pattern *emailcampaign=* so our system can look for it. Then you would add to the vscr tag on your page:

vscr.push([ 'addForwardParam', 'emailcampaign' ] );

Now when a visitor lands on your site with the query param emailcampaign in the URL, we will append it to the document.referer string, allowing our data collection system to identify it and process it against all your patterns.