Cubed exposes an end point to return Visscores in real time. The URL follows standard REST practise.<aid>&vid=<vid>%cask=<cask>
Cask token
The cask token is a key that allows you to request data from any of the real-time Cubed endpoints. When a hit is fired to using the Cubed Tag a cask token will be set on the vscr object:
The CASK is relative to the Visitor Token, and can only be used with that Id to obtain information, it is also only valid for 24 hours after being returned.
The Visscores Object
every request to
will return a json response with at least three attributes:
- Status.
- This determines if the responce
- code
- As our API will always return a 200, this field will show the actual respose code that should have returned.